Thursday, April 8, 2010

Assessment of or for Learning

I've been looking for online resources on the topic of using assessment to improve student learning. So far, I've found two that I really like.

The first one is a Pearson Issue Paper titled Using Assessments to Improve Learning and Student Progress. This paper makes the distinction between assessment for learning (formative) and assessment of learning (summative) and the reasons both are needed to improve student learning and the organizations that support them.

The second is titled Using Assessment to Improve Instruction from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and outlines an eight-step process for data analysis and action. They promote their book outlining the steps, which I might just have to get a copy of.

Any other sites you know about on this topic?

The Whirlwind Has Quieted

The last several weeks have been exciting and full. My mantra, "Who wants a boring life, anyway?!" was put to the test.

Besides my regular job and facilitating two online courses and taking another, we had many extra social events: the end of my son's hockey season for which I volunteered to put together the team yearbook, and his Eagle Scout ceremony and reception. Then to round out the month, both kids were in the musical Oklahoma with seven performances in two weekends (I attended five - it was sooo good!).

Now the online courses are finished and the track and baseball seasons are just beginning. And graduation will be here before you know it!